Torah: Vayikra (Leviticus) 9:1-11:47

Haftarah: Sh’mu’el Bet (2 Samuel) 6:1-7:1

Brit Hadasha: Acts 5:1-11

Portion Summary:

Shemini is the twenty-sixth reading from the Torah and third reading from the book of Leviticus. The word shemini (שמיני) means “eighth,” and it comes from the first words of Exodus 9:1, which says, “Now it came about on the eighth day that Moses called Aaron and his sons and the elders of Israel” (Leviticus 9:1). The text goes on to describe the events of the eight day after setting up the Tabernacle, a phenomenal worship service followed by a tragic incident. The reading concludes with the biblical dietary laws regarding animals fit for consumption and prohibitions regarding those that are unfit.(First Fruits of Zion)

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